Interactive Seminar ΙΙΙ: Prostate Cancer


Saturday, February 18, 2017 -
18:00 to 20:00

Είδος εκπαιδευτικής δραστηριότητας: 

Τhe chapter about prostate cancer is revised all over again in books. However, have all Urologists fully understood the basic concepts? How many identities is it that an androgen receptor ultimately has? Why is one hormone therapy better than another? Why are there patients who - although they had been successfully receiving hormones for 1 year- suddenly stopped responding to hormone therapy, while others keep responding with consistency even for 10 and more consecutive years? And, what is it, after all, that “eats” the bones? Can it be prevented? And if not, how should we treat it? A distinguished Researcher, with long research work on Prostate Cancer, explains everything to us. Together with a devoted Urologist, who has thorough knowledge and rich clinical experience upon the issue, ready to question the clinical usefulness of some data and spot gaps in the existing knowledge that render the treatment of the disease problematic for all Urologists.

